So Howdy ya'll, it's been quite a while since i last posted on here. Life, as we all know it to be, has been keeping me on a twisting and turning track, something new around each corner. I've continued to work on my, playing with different mediums and just figuring where i want to go next. Still working on the I, Undead comic to some extent, just want to make it the best i can before we roll out. The most exciting news so far is this last weekend we had 24 HOUR COMIC DAY! For the 3rd year in a row I have participated in this event, where each artist has to pencil, ink, and letter a 24 page comic in 24 straight hours. Possibly one of the hardest endurance tests I've ever had the pleasure to endure. I chose to create my comic on a children's book/ graphic novel that I've been toying with for the last year. Thanks to everyone that came out and created comics and to all those that came out in support, it was amazing to see people come out and just find out what were doing. Hopefully next year we'll have an even bigger turnout. Next year I'm going to be running the event, still at the comic shop, still just as awesome, if not more awesomer!.....bad grammar, but hey it's my blog.