Tuesday, April 28, 2009

project -train room day 1

A while back my friend Fish told me about a guy that was wanting a mural done to his basement. i thought that doing a mural would me pretty awesome since i haven't done one since i was in high school. I call up the guy and he's telling me that he wants a landscape for his basement train room. I don't know too many people with train rooms anymore but i thought it was pretty awesome. So a few weeks ago we get together and i'm checking out the space that he wants me to paint and lemme tell ya, its not quite like Michelangelo painting the Sistine chapel on his back, but it does have a few complications. Im not a small guy, but i will have to jump up into the back where the wall is and try and not stomp this guy train tracks, it worries me. At first when i checked this assignment i wasn't really sure if i wanted to take it, but as Dave ( the guy who wants me do this project) was telling me why he wanted it done, so that he and his son could have a project that they could enjoy together, i couldn't help but take the job. What he wants is a landscape to encompass the blue area around the train set, so that the piece becomes more realistic. The walls as a whole are measured at 93 square feet if i remember correctly, so this is gonna be a beast of a project. So over the next couple weeks as i try and get this done, im going to be putting up photos of the progress. Not only for my benefit so i can look back on it, but i wanna share the process with everyone, and if their is anyone that has any comments or possible critiques, please tell me, im open to discussion. thanks and wish me luck!

this here is the start of the actual panting. above is the base coat to see where everything was at.


Radar said...

Dude that sounds fun! Where is it? The Pole or Banks? Anyhow, hope al is well.. You should call one evening... would love to say hello! Later!

Robs Vogel said...

Wow, that's gonna be an intense project, but looks like a blast! Best of luck with it, and I look forward to watching your progress. :)